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Tips to Get Rich on Poker Tables

Getting rich by playing poker online or in casinos is almost like an art form or science that can be mastered by the people who have real appreciation for the game and its intricacies. Often it’s been said that to win while you play poker online it’s not as much the cards as it is getting inside the mind of your opponents. 

You don’t have to be a psychologist but ultimately it’s about knowing how to read other poker players that makes the difference between losers and winners.

Of course the question is, how do you get to understand what other players are thinking.  There are several techniques used by more experienced players to mess around with other players’ head causing them to make more mistakes on the poker tables than they would normally do.

Mind Games

The regular players are easier to read than the novice players. Do you know why? The novice players are unpredictable while the regular players have developed and acquired similar kind of practices and skills through experience that you may use in the poker game. You understand how to play in certain situations and know that the regular players will be thinking the same way. 

Also Read: Texas Holdem Poker: Easy or Challenging Game? 

Poker can be likened to a game of chess. The expert chess players can anticipate other player’s moves sometimes in advance. For every game, his opponent makes, the champ already has 4 or 5 moves to counter. Here is a great tip when you play poker online in India against a regular player:

“Focus on what he thinks you have and what he thinks you are trying to do and manipulate him with his own thoughts by exploiting them.”

Tips on habits of bad poker players:

  • They never lay down a draw

  • They have a ridiculously huge range preflop

  • They will float always on flops and fold to your bets on the turn

  • They raise only when they have something

  • They will play a top pair like royal flush

  • They will overbet the pot when they have a big hand or push if they have a big hand

When you are playing against a bad player, try to focus on their bad habits like floating every flop and overplaying draws and exploit those habits and not their thoughts. Every poker player has some secrets, so the key to improve your game is to pick up the best tips and strategies from the top 2 or 3 players. It will ensure you have all the bases covered.


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