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Different Poker Tells You Should Keep in Mind


What superpower you want to have as a poker player? Maybe the ability to read opponent’s mind? Reading players when you play poker online means to make an educated guess as to what cards they are holding in hand. Different players have different tells. They are the patterns of behavior that reveal about their intended actions or about their cards. Here is some poker tells that you should keep in mind, but they are exceptions to every rule. 

Look at the chip stacks

Before the game starts you can get a basic tell on a player from its chip stack. A neat chip stack means tight player who will not bluff much while a messy chip stack means a loose player who likes to gamble.  Remember that this is one rule where there are exceptions especially if a player wants to give you the impression that they are loose or tight. 

Observe how each player bets

If a player puts its chips messily into the pot and tries to straighten the bet, then it is a bluff. It goes like if a player makes a messy bet accidentally, it might make others suspicious. So watch carefully how each player makes a bet. A good player will always mix up the style of betting to throw people off. The new players will use extra emphasis on a betting action. It can be big as splashing the pot or just a flick of fingers at the end of a bet. Often this means that they are bluffing or they are not comfortable with their hand. 

Keep your ears open 

If you keep your ears open in the table chatter, loud music and rattling of chips, you will hear another noise.  Often it is a sigh or a slight sound of disappointment. It is a tell. This means that the opponent caught a good hand and trying to indicate it otherwise. The player might also shrug or look and sound unhappy. 

Talk to your opponents
Just engaging in a casual conversation with a player can throw off their game and let you in on their hand. If you ask them any question for example what they did and they will fumble over their words or mutter something incomprehensible, probably it is because they are bluffing. 

Reaching chips before a bet

If your opponent reaches for chips when it is actually your turn to act m probably they have a weak hand. They just try to indicate that they will call your bet but they want to see another card in reality. 


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