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What Investors Can Learn from Poker Online Games?

Perceptions can vary but games like poker that go beyond depending on the luck.  It requires players to have a keen sense of poker online games strategically, deadpan expressions and artful dodging. These attributes are far from the truth.  In fact, it is a skill game that needs a deep understanding and thinking.  At this moment, the online poker market in India is pegged around Rs. 250 crores. By 2020, poker is expected to cross Rs. 1,000 crores in India.  The perception of the game is changing rapidly and people are also accepting it as a skill game. In 2015, MIT introduced a course of poker theory and analytics. Here are 6 investment lessons from the poker game that will make you go mad over poker as well. 

Calculated risks

Poker is a game of taking calculated risks.  Depending on the hand that you have been dealt, your bankroll, the stage of tournament you are, you need to take calculated risks hoping to win more.  This same skill can be applied to investing as well.  The investment you make has risk attached to it.  The key to a successful investment is taking calculated risks to have minimum losses and gain maximum profits.  Big profits be it in poker or investment come from well-timed calculated risks. 

Long term thinking 

A successful poker player is someone who is focused on long term goals and is very patient. Luck may play an important role in short term but in the long term, skill plays a vital role. The key to success is to stick around and persevere. Just like in a game of poker, investment also requires patience and take years to yield tangible results. 

Knowing the numbers

Knowing the numbers is important in investing as well as in poker.  A good player knows the odds, outs and is good at number crunching. The same can be applied to investing also.  A good investor knows the fundamental analysis and technical analysis for their stocks. 

Being disciplined

Discipline is another important thing whether in the game of poker or stock market. A good investor or player are disciplined and play within their means.  They don’t risk 30 percent of their bankroll in a single game or stock. 

Keeping emotions in check 

Keeping your emotions in check is very important in a game of poker and investing. A lot of players get frustrated or angry when they lose a game in short term. It ends up costing them more. The same way, keeping your emotions in check is also important when you are investing to maximize ROI. 

Ability to read opponents/market 

A successful poker player is the one who knows to read his opponents and his playing strategies.  He should know to read his opponent’s cards and actions that might be drawn and strategy the players will employ.  As the successful investor is someone who is knowledgeable about the market and can gauge the trends of the market. 

The most important investment lesson poker teaches is probably knowing when to quit. 


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