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Factors You Should Consider While Bluffing in Poker

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Bluff in poker is when you make a raise or bet in an attempt to make your opponents fold a better hand than you. It will just award you the pot by default. If you know how to play poker and have the ability to bluff at any time during the game, the best ones always bluff at the most opportune times when they think their opponents will fold most of the time. 

Bluffing needs you to be an aggressive player and its them that are winning the game. It is because they can win pots in two ways. Firstly, they have the best hand at showdown and secondly everyone folds to their bet or raise and they pick up the pot uncontested. Win Online poker coupons and get amazing offers to play. It’s not about using blind aggression, rather which is carefully selected and used at the right time. Consider these 9 things before a hand begins on whether you should consider bluffing or not. 


 It’s really difficult to bluff at micro stakes as players are more ‘call-happy’ and you can profit using an exploitative approach. As you move up start requiring a more balance than normal in your ranges, bluffing should be a common part of your gameplay. 

Dynamics at your table

Having the right dynamics at the poker table like position, chip stacks, player types etc. is going to make it easier to determine at which frequency you should bluff. 

Look for poker tells

It’s easy to know how you should play if you know your opponents holding or the strength of their hand, as a result of a poker tell they may have. Always try to be on the lookout during a session to see if there is anything you can pick from the players at the table. 

Number of players in the hand

The more players there are in the hand, the less likely should bluff because of the likelihood someone has at least a piece of it. 

Bankroll considerations

Being bankrolled properly will help you feel comfortable with following through with a well-timed bluff at the table instead of shying away from pulling the trigger from fear of loss. 

Hide your poker tells

Learning the poker tells more can also help you with the knowledge to what to look for to help you hide your own tells at the table. It can help to increase the success rate of your bluffs.

Opponents images and tendencies

If your opponents always call, then you should never bluff. The opponents who overfold are those whom you be bluffing the most against. 

Your image

If you have been overly aggressive or recently caught bluffing, you should try to bluff less often and value bet more as the recent memory will be the forefront of your opponents’ minds and can take inclined to call you down. 

Game type 

Bluffing in deep stack cash gameplay will require application and knowledge of different bluffing concepts than short stack. So which type of bluff to do will also vary to a degree.


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